Turning Big Ideas Into Buildable Plans

KMB Design Group’s multidisciplinary engineering team helps clients navigate complex construction projects and make more profitable building decisions. Comprehensive construction documents (CDs) are prepared for clients using AutoCAD, the widely-used computer-aided design and drafting software application.

Construction documents are detailed instructions sent from the engineer to the contractor, describing how the contractor will bring the engineer’s vision to life. Construction documents serve an integral role in the building development process. They are required to obtain most building permits, and they are contract-binding.

Accurate construction documents give contractors a comprehensive understanding of the project at hand and the architect’s intent.

What Does It Include?

Construction documents describe how an engineer’s design should be built, including the methods, materials, building systems, and components used.

KMB provides clients with two types of construction documents:

  • Permit Set
  • Construction Set

Depending on the client’s needs, permit sets are delivered before construction sets, as this allows for any issues that arise during the permitting process to be addressed and amended before a construction set is finalized.

Building codes require that completed buildings closely match the submitted construction documents before owners can receive final certificates of occupancy.

KMB’s construction documents include both drawings and specifications. Construction drawings include mechanical sheets, electrical sheets, plumbing sheets, and more.

Construction drawing sets can be hundreds of pages long, with required sheet sizes that vary based on local requirements.

National CAD Standard

KMB’s construction documents meet the National CAD Standard for schedules in construction drawings and specifications. Following this standard ensures that contractors are able to understand the precise location of every component in a building’s design.

The National CAD Standard requires that the lower right-hand corner of each drawing sheet contains a sheet number, letting the user know the discipline for the drawing (Mechanical, Electrical, Plumbing) and the type of drawing (Plans, Elevations, Schedules).

Contact us to learn more about construction documents or to request a proposal for your project.

MEP Projects

Implementing environmentally sound practices

No matter how complex or expansive your project is, our team of experts has the MEP engineering skills required to ensure a cost-effective design to meet your deployment goals.

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Steven M. Fox, Jr.

Partner, Senior VP of MEP Engineering

Office 732.280.5623

Our engineering team brings robust experience, results-oriented designs and solutions, and a time-sensitive, client-focused approach to all our assignments.  With experience in multiple LEED projects and energy intensive markets, we look to propose and implement environmentally sound practices on all projects based upon historical evidence of practical, economical results.

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