June 30, 2017

Debunking 5 Myths About Commercial Solar Energy Services

In our last blog, we identified that just last year, the U.S. doubled its rate of solar power growth. And according to Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA) and GTM Research, solar was considered the number one source of new electricity generation ahead of natural gas and coal. With growing stats like these, it can be exciting to consider commercial solar power for your own business. We also realize there may be some questions along the way. As one of the nation’s leaders in solar engineering and energy services, we have the experience and knowledge to answer all your questions.

Here are five common myths about commercial solar energy services (and the facts to back them up). Some of them may surprise you.

Debunking 5 Myths About Commercial Solar Energy Services

MYTH #1: Solar Energy Services are Too Expensive

This myth might have been true years ago, but that’s not the case any longer. In fact, according to the Department of Energy (DOE), since 2008, the price has decreased by 80 percent! Why the big dip in cost? Solar cells are much more energy efficient and the cost to manufacture them has decreased. Not only that, but soft costs have also fallen, including system design, labor installation, permits and other solar energy services. Add the Solar Investment Tax Credit (ITC) into the equation and price dips even further.

Solar panels are less expensive to install today than they have ever been before.

MYTH #2: Since Solar Energy Technologies Keep Improving, I Should Just Wait

Just like all technology, solar panel technologies continue to improve, but if you install a system today, it will still be effective twenty years down the road. They’re built to last for decades, and although solar panel warranties vary, many will extend up to 25 years. With guarantees like these, there’s no better time than now for businesses to make the investment in solar.

MYTH #3: My Business Won’t Be Here Long Enough to Make My Investment Back

Solar panels start adding value to your property and business right away. Depending on your system, solar panels can pay for themselves between 6 to 15 years. But when you combine state and federal tax credits and incentives (see number 1), you can see a return on investment much sooner than that.

MYTH #4: Solar Panels Don’t Work on Cloudy, Rainy or Snowy Days

Even on the cloudiest days, sunlight reaches a solar array to provide a substantial amount of electricity. Cold weather, rain and snow won’t affect the panels’ efficiency. In fact, colder temperatures will actually increase the conductivity, allowing electricity to flow more efficiently.

MYTH #5: Solar Panels Require Too Much Maintenance

Many property owners express concern regarding maintenance and whether it could damage the roof. Built to be durable, solar arrays require minimal maintenance and even extend the lifespan of a roof as they block UV light, which can cause roof degradation.

Most importantly, businesses must choose a solar engineering firm which offers reliable solar panel installation and energy services to maintain all the mechanical, electrical, and photovoltaic components of your solar system.

KMB Commercial Solar Energy Services

Now that your commercial solar myths have been debunked, get started to experience the benefits of solar energy today. As a leading engineering firm providing commercial photovoltaic design & solar energy services, we know what it takes to put energy into your projects. Let us help you make your commercial solar project a reality.

Contact the commercial solar engineers at KMB Design Group at 855-755-6234 to learn more.